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Webmaster: Ruben America







"Michel Vanlint gebruikt Dreft,
hij wil tenslotte straks Bourges winnen."

(bron:, auteur: Ludo Geerts, datum 12-05-2011)


Fastest Montlucon, Brabantse Unie
1981 pigeons and 1 st Semi-Nat. 4493 old pigeons

Vuvuzelas at the soccer World Cup - we need to wear a warm sweater instead of a swimming suit -but pigeon-racing isn't bothered by that. The pigeons were released in Montlucon with a one-day delay - And everyone knew it wouldn't be simple - but Michel was able to end a grey Sunday with a glorious victory...

    A Record That Will Never Be BEATEN!
    Tom Smith's SPORT TALK
"A Periodic Presentation of News and Views from Around the Racing Pigeon World"
by TOM SMITH Spring Hill, FL
    When Michel Van Lint returned to competition in Belgium, he named his loft the Blue Heaven Loft. Little did he or anyone else know that name would be prophetic, because in the following three years the Van Lint pigeons performed as if they were angels sent from heaven!
    Eavesdropping on Michel Vanlint,
It is not necessary to introduce Michel!
Every pigeon-fancier knows this friendly man from Zoutleeuw (Belgium) and everybody knows which results he has obtained over the years.
But how does someone reach this level, which are his secret weapons, who or what is the basis of his success...?
On a Friday morning, I drive to the historic village where Michel lives in order to ask him these questions.

The rising sun from Taiwan dominates the Belgian pigeon sport
Michel Vanlint left Belgium for about 20 years because the Far East and the pigeon sport on the highest level called out for him. But we surely must respect him for what he achieved there. Nevertheless the bond with his home land was always there and for more than once a year he visited his Belgian friends. So at the end of 2002 he decided to come back to his roots and at the same time he bought a home in Zoutleeuw where he build a new loft. Many eyes directed to the colony of Michel. Would he be able to win after a break of 20 years in competition?

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Michel VANLINT is back in the country
During the season Michel Vanlint is always at the top of the results of the national heavy middle distance. It's like magic where one stunt after another comes out of the magical hat. After many top-scores rumors are spread around even after his negative doping control. People wonder what Michel brought along out of the land of the rising sun and here he answered that he only brought his wife and daughter. We were the first to know how and why he can keep up those wonderful results throughout the season.

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1st National La Souterraine for Michel VANLINT
They got to know each other in San Fransico... we're talking about Michel Vanlint and Willem De Bruijn. Two of a kind that found each other....they got along immediately....and it ended up in one of the most important "rushes to the top" of the last years. Who else but Michel Vanlint deserves to have the best loft of Belgium of the year of 2004!

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Two national victories in hardly two weeks.....
You don't need to be a psychologist to know that coming back to his own country after 20 years in the Far East was all in favour of Michel as well as a human being as a fancier. After a smashing start in 2003 with only young pigeons, this season was even more astonishing. The concurrence was there and just looked at it.... while all the others that always told that it was not easy to score in the Brabantse Union to those that live in Tienen and the villages around. But now all these that always know better had to leave the stage already. Understandable when we take a look at the following results where we only mention the best prizes in the top100 on the 4 classical flights of the year.

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Michel VANLINT....1st, 2nd and 9th Nat. Vichy !!!
They didn't even have to put away the flags in Zoutleeuw after the victory from La Souterraine of 2 weeks ago. He did even better with his 1st and 2nd National prize from Vichy. This was his way to put an end to his season of 2004, which seemed to be a story of thousand and one night!

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Superstar of Belgium Michel Vanlint - Zoutleeuw, Belgium
Part 1 by Tom Smith

Ace! Champion! Master! Conqueror! Magician! Magnificent melker! All these superlatives, and many more, have been hurled at one man over the past two seasons. The man who has won seven 1st Belgian Nationals in the space of 12 months. Never before in the long history of our sport, has one loft so dominated the Belgian Nationals in such a short period of time.


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We present you: Michel Vanlint

It was 2002 (time flies) that I got a phone call from Willem De Bruyn.
Have you already heard about Michel? He's coming back, he bought a house in Zoutleeuw where he will start racing the pigeons.
And indeed I already heard about it.
Who is Michel...


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    Superstar of Belgium Michel Vanlint - Zoutleeuw, Belgium
Part 2 by Tom Smith

There I was in Zoutleeuw, Belgium, face to face with the man they called the "magician", the "conqueror", the "superstar". The man who had won seven 1st Nationals, including two 1st National Hens, and a 1st Semi National, in two years! The man who had placed 19 pigeons in the first ten National positions, and 70 pigeons in the first hundred National. As Michel and I walked up the steps to his racing loft I put the question to him, ...Michel you must tell me.



Four years of pigeon sport in Belgium and each year he does it again
1 NAT. LA SOUTERRAINE 13.918 Youngsters
Fastest of 17.545 competitors



The Wizard of Zoutleeuw Shocks the Belgian Sport - Again!! Part 1

    By Tom Smith Spring Hill, Florida, USA
    What a surprise I had one night last August when I went online to check my email: At nearly midnight, on the night of August 27th , 2006 I received an email from Michel VanLint of Zoutleeuw, Belgium saying "Tom today I feel so happy to inform you that my pigeon CHRISTINA has won 1st National La Souterraine 357 miles against 17,572 participants in the race this weekend."


The Wizard of Zoutleeuw Shocks the Belgian Sport - Again!! Part 2

    By Tom Smith Spring Hill, Florida, USA
    It was a short week between LaSouterraine and the next National, a mere four days until Thurday shipping night for Geuret. The thrill of winning the LaSouterraine National had barely subsided yet Michel VanLint's attention had shifted, by necessity, to the final National of the year, only days away. His team was in tip top condition; his birds vibrating with form. Yet he knew they had flown a long, hard schedule, most of them having flown 14 or more heavy middle distance races.

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update 22-08-2013
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© 2004 Michel Vanlint
Michel Vanlint
Bogaerdenstraat 33 / 3440 Zoutleeuw
Tel: +32(0)475 75 79 58 / Fax : +32(0)11 69 66 78
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